Hi! Welcome to
The Boone Family Web Page
About Us

We are (from left to right) Sean (11.03.1997), Claudia (21.09.19??), Tim (18.06.2000) and Philip (03.03.1966)
[Pets not pictured] Corvina, Rusty, Early and Stormy.
A typical patchwork family, living and working day to day. We have our ups and downs just like any family but always manage to stay close.
We like playing video games on XBox One (or PC if you're Tim ;) ). Claudia and I try to ride our montain bikes as much as possible but work takes its' toll on the time we have. Sean is in an apprenticeship now and is getting a taste of how it is to be working class. Tim is working (not so hard) on his highschool diploma.
Here are some pictures we think you might like.